His name is Erich... i met Erich, years ago while crashing in one of his hosting parties in NYC... at Maritime Hotel... let's say 4-5 years ago... The night i met Erich, he told me he owned a gift... to be able to read people's lives, to know the past and help them figure out the future... he never used it, but sometimes he felt like saying something to the ones that were interested in what he could share with them. That night Erich told me i was special, that my grand-mother was my angel, and that i will have a great future in writting... he also told me one of my past episodes with my grand-mother, and he told me i missed her cuz she had just passed away! I was amazed, and of course, in front of so much evidence there was no way i could deny, or not believe in him. I'm back to NY, and everytime i come i see Erich, but we have become friends, and we dont talk much about my life or his life, when we meet, it's at his party in Hiro, Maritime Hotel or Bowery Bar... so we are only up for a great time! But this past sunday, he felt like my energy, my vibe was too charged and maybe even negative, and he decided to remind me his words, and probably show me the way, cuz he might have sensed i was LOST again. He told me exactly the same, he remembered what he told me 5 years ago, some of the stuff i had already forgetten, Eric is a man full of wisdom and life experience, beyond any gift... his words are always helpful and his wit is suitable to any of us! We talked for a very long time... he had a room in the hotel, and he took me there saying: "tonight you will stay here and start writting again... why did you stop? it's not about anyone else, it's about you"... In the notebook there on the shelf i wrote: "tonight i will start writting again" and then we left the room, back to socialize, but in the way, he said: "you have a great voice, why are you not singing anymore? sing something for me" i got shy, but you know how the "stairsway" are so accoustically awesome to hit a G flat or even an E... and so i hit it: "tears drops are falling, why tha hell you calling me, wrong when i know that i am what i am" I saw in his face so much joy, and he said: "do it again, higher" and i did... and then he started singing it with me... and singing we went back to the party... i gave him a big HUG... he had made my night... and he told me as in a Good-Bye way: "Paulo, you are special, it's not about anyone else, it's about you".... Awwww Eric... I love you mate for that! And you know you are Beyond Special! > One of the things He also told me was: "2007 is a messy year, not for you or for me, but for the Earth Globe in general" Soundtrack: "Open Up your Mind" BY: Adam Joseph |
Your writings are so distinctly intricate and to the core so Yes, he is right. I love them. and your singing, well the angels are pleased and you make heaven happy when you sing so DON"T STOP, know what I mean. Love Ya' PP, keep doing the blessed thing.
You never shoulda stopped, ya goofball.
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