Negra por fuera por dentro color de algodon (Black outside, inside color of cottom)
la pantera duerme en mi ropa interior (the panther sleeps in my underwear)
noche azul mojada de luna y pasion (blue night wet with moon and pasion)
y aparece donde ese hombre, quema la selva y aplasta el amor... (and appears the man that burns the jungle and smashes the love)
Comi en tu mano (i've eaten from your hand)
tu boca me dio de beber (your mouth gave me to drink)
mientras me colabas entre jaulas de papel (while glueing me in between paper jails)
y ahora tu abusas de mi soledad (and now you abuse of my loneliness)
te regalo el cuerpo, no lo quiero, pero mi alma se va... (i offer you my body, i dont want it, but my soul goes away)
Cuantos suenos y mentiras (so many dreams and lies)
en el circo de la vida (in the cycle of life)
e yo... luchare, sobrevivire (and i... i'll fight and i'll survive)
al rastillo que me arrastra hacia tus pies... (to the track that pulls me towards your feet)
Respetame... yo vivo en Libertad! (Respect me... I live in Freedom)
> for all of those who are Slaves of their JOB!
la pantera duerme en mi ropa interior (the panther sleeps in my underwear)
noche azul mojada de luna y pasion (blue night wet with moon and pasion)
y aparece donde ese hombre, quema la selva y aplasta el amor... (and appears the man that burns the jungle and smashes the love)
Comi en tu mano (i've eaten from your hand)
tu boca me dio de beber (your mouth gave me to drink)
mientras me colabas entre jaulas de papel (while glueing me in between paper jails)
y ahora tu abusas de mi soledad (and now you abuse of my loneliness)
te regalo el cuerpo, no lo quiero, pero mi alma se va... (i offer you my body, i dont want it, but my soul goes away)
Cuantos suenos y mentiras (so many dreams and lies)
en el circo de la vida (in the cycle of life)
e yo... luchare, sobrevivire (and i... i'll fight and i'll survive)
al rastillo que me arrastra hacia tus pies... (to the track that pulls me towards your feet)
Respetame... yo vivo en Libertad! (Respect me... I live in Freedom)
> for all of those who are Slaves of their JOB!
Some beautiful imagery in there...did you write that, or is it from something else?
its a different way of looking at work, fame, contracts and struggle... how what we do can take over us!
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