Sunday, September 17, 2006

***Vivre d'amour et d'eau chairre***

Yesterday... i drove to Montreal to be with Vincent and Danielle.
I was supposed to pick up Vincent and his friends to go to "Rougemont" pick up apples...
But as i only left O-town at 2pm cuz i had the to go the doctor... It was late to go pick the apples... but they had a Plan B: Have sopper at Gabu's House with his Mother!
After getting to Montreal and finally picking up Vincent, Gabu, Frederice (a girl), Mathilde and Gabi, what for me was, going to "Rougemont" (thinking it was somewhere inside of the city)... became the beginning of Lovely Journey!
Back to the Highway, heading South of Montreal!
As we were getting close to Bromont, the mountains where getting bigger and bigger, i was wondering if we were going to hit them when Vincent said: "Gabu lives up one of this Mountains".
Gabu said: "yeah man, do you have 4 by 4, cuz i dont know if your car is going be able to reach the top"
I got scared! LOL... but excited... at the end it wasnt that bad, and the car did reach the top of the Mountain to his house!
A House in the middle of the nature, high on top of the mountains... beautifull! A cozy beautiful interior matching the outside, with a swimmig pool, a garage perfectly organized with over 1000 tools, a fantastic "room of music" (the Beatles where all over, Gabu's Father is a Fan), all kinds and types of instruments, a cabinet where they make Mapple Syrup (i've never seen one)... a Wooden House (cattage), a beautifull lake with a "Fountain" and a canoe to ride on it, even a Tend... to camp, not far from the house and a Gnome to guard the garden! I mean... i was Amazed!
I just spent a whole week in NYC, in the highest level of civilization to the next day... be somewhere in such peace and in touch with Nature...
We had dinner... delicious dinner, made by Anne, Gabu's mother, after dinner i had the chance to have a long in very interesting talk with Anne, and she is a Great woman... mother, wife a real quebecoise... that told me: "in quebec we kiss more, we hold more, we are more warm"... she made me want to stay in quebec forever... and it was time for desert! Auch Delicious! And then we all joined in the balcany for a chat and a cigarrette! It was just a Night full of perfect moments! Then we, the kids, considering that they are all 18 years old, decided to go "Marche" (for a walk)! It was dark, very dark, we had Flash Lights... my body adrenaline was always at the top, breathing was hard, even my ears were feeling the pressure of the height... Gabu showed us his home, he didnt need a "Lanterne" he knew the way like the palm of his hand! We sit in a bench to look at the Stars, so bright, we all in silence stood, apreciating... someone sujested to make a Spoon and Sleep there... LOL... then we reach the lake, and 3 by 3 we rowed the river in the canoe... at night! I have chills saying that! Everything was Amazing, but as all the good things in Life, and Life itself... has an END! We went back to the main house and got ready to say BYE! When i was saying Bye to Anne she said: "you are staying?"...
I smiled and said: "i wish, but they have to study and work tomorrow"
She said: "no, you and Vincent are staying..."
LOL... OMG, what had Vincent done, without even asking me?
I was totally surprised... the boys and the girls left... and Me and Vincent were left behind!
The Great END of the Night:
As the tittle of this entry says: Vivre d'amour et d'eau chairre, as Vincent told me, is the same expression as we have in portuguese: Viva ao amor e uma Cabana... i have no ideia what to say in english: Love and a Hut?... but its to describe that when we are in love, we might not have anything, but we if have the one we love and a cattage, cabinet, tend, hut, we survive!
Even tho thats not the situation... yesterday i totally felt persueing an ideial!
Vincent and Me, slept in the wooden house... no light but the one of the candles, no sonoro poluation but the sound of the nuts hitting the roof and the waterfall... if i could only describe this better... at certain point we went outside, our eyes adapted to the darkness, we had our glasses of wine, we were rolled in the bed bags, naked... we sit and we talked for hours, sharing experiences, knowledge and kisses... Underneath the Stars filled Sky!
Anne: "Merci de Votre Hospitalite, Merci Beaucoup"
Gabu: "Muchas Gracias por invitarme, fuiste en verdad un gran Anfitriano, platica el Espanol"
Frederice: "Enchante, tu es tres Belle"
Gabi: "La fois prochaine nous parlerons davantage, Hug"
Mathilde: "Grande énergie ! J'espère que vous vous sentez mieux, Baisse"
Vincent: "Garçon, vous êtes Grand, Stupefier... MERCI, Je vous verrez plus tard, aux revoir"
Soundtrack: Yesterday, By: The Beatles!


sammyray said...

Sounds amazing, even in broken English.

Do I hear a clock ticking????


Anonymous said...

WOW I wanna visit that place =D

*inveja* lol :P esses são aqueles momentos em que acumulas energia e fôlego para umas quantas semanas. Quantos suspiros não deste tu nessa noite... :)

Abraço U...U...Lucky Bastard :P